A PEPYSIAN GARLAND - online book

Black-letter Broadside Ballads Of The years 1595-1639

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leaguer, a, military investment, siege,
least, lest, 28 (10), 131 (20), 169
(24), etc. leawdly, lewdly, 57 (20) Lee River, Cork, 151 leese, to, lose, 141 (2) Leicestershire, Bottesford in, 96 leidge, liege, 46 (4) Leighe, Sir Robert, 39 Lenten fare, 35; — stuff, 31 Leonard of Lincoln, ballad of, 244 Le Petit, Jean Francois, 121 Lestrange, H., on Amboyna, 200 Lestrange, Sir Nicholas, 11 let, hindrance, 48 (11), 296 (6) letters-patent of James I, 59 libidinous, 238 (16) Lidia, Leda, 452 (1) lien, lain, 91 (7) life, to have a, i.e. 'now there'll be
trouble,' 8 (17) lights, false, ? opposite of weights, 218
. (5)
like of, to, 242 (12) lily-white hand, a, 307 (14), 453 (7) Lilly, Will, the astrologer, 443 limb'd, to be, limned, 177 (n) lin, to, desist from, cease, 213 (1) Lincolnshire Leonard, ballad of, 244;
witches in 1619, 96 line, rules, standards, 179 (1) Loe (Lowe), William, 434 (9) lokt, locked, 227 (16) London Chanticleers, The, 179 long, to, belong, 14 (7) Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 309 Lookes, John, 455 Loosduinen (Losdunen, Lausdune,
Laudun, Lowdon), 365 children
born to a lady at, 122 ff. loose, to, lose, 21 (14), 92 (n), 261
(20) Louis XIII, King of France, 24, 293 louse, a body, brisk as, 312 (8) Lovejoy, William, 222 loves, plural substantive, 98 (2)
Loves of Hero and Leander, The, 342 Low Countries, the. See Netherlands Lowdon. See Loosduinen Lowe, Michael, murder of, 431 Ludgate, London, 143 (9), 221 (15) lurch, to, deceive or disappoint, 180
lurch, in the, at a disadvantage, 264
(4) lurk, to, idle, loaf, 340 (13), 366 (4)
M., L., see Morg., LI. M., W., ballad by, 49 n. magpie, the, to make stagger, 62 (4) Mahomet, 21 (14 f.) maidenheads, three, lost at dice, 3 80 main, very great, remarkable, 160 (26) make, to, have business, to do, 8 (17) male-content, discontent, 182 (15) mamesey-nose, a, nose inflamed by
drinking malmsey, 274 (10) man the pad, to, see pad Manners, Francis, Earl of Rutland,
his sons bewitched, 96 Manuscript Additional, 38,599, 49,
no, 150, 156, 161. See Shanne,
Richard many (a) one, 26 (4), 117 (8) marde, marred, disfigured, 197 (10) Margaret and Thomas, a jig of, 173 Marguerite, Countess of Henneberg,
her 365 children, 121 Maria de' Medici, Queen of France,
24 Marie de France, 123 mark, a, coin worth about \$s. 4</.,
276, 344 (3) marks of admittance, pieces of tin
serving as 'entrance tickets,' a
porter's badge, 16 (16) Marmion, Shackerley, 399 marriage, general satire on, 239;
murderer's praise of, 260; of maids
and young men, advised, 234; of
widows and youths, satirized, 229;
praise of, 356 married woman, a, complaint of, 332
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